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This project has been moved to Github.
Aquamarine is an open source ticket plugin for Spigot servers.
- 📙 MySQL/MariaDB support (but also flat-file, if you want it simple)
- ✅ Simple permissions
- 🚫 Configurable limits for open tickets per player or inside a radius
- 📝 GUI and commands - easy access for everyone
- 💬 Discord webhook support
- Download the .jar file
- Move the .jar file to your server's plugins folder
- Restart your server
- Configure the plugin on
(see details further down) - Restart your server again
Player commands
/ticket [message]
- Will open a new ticket in the current location
- Aliases:
- Shows a list of your recent tickets
- Aliases:
Staff commands
- Lists unresolved (open) tickets
/xt help
- Shows a help index
/xt all
and/xt all [page]
- Lists all tickets (including open and closed tickets)
/xt player [name]
and/xt player [name] [page]
- Lists all tickets created by a player
/xt view [id]
- Shows a certain ticket
/xt goto [id]
- Teleports you to a certain ticket
/xt solve [id]
and/xt solve [id] [comment]
- Solves (closes) a ticket, with or without a comment (visible to the player)
- Shows the ticket GUI
- Permission to list and solve (close) tickets
- Permission to open new tickets
Storage methods available are
(flat-file as JSON in the plugin folder)mysql
(MySQL/MariaDB, configure the connection below), ormemory
(not persistent - will not save anything)
storage-method: "file"
Database connection - configure your MySQL/MariaDB connection
if you use mysql
as your storage method.
Otherwise these settings can be ignored.
mysql-host: localhost
mysql-port: 3306
mysql-user: user
mysql-pass: pass
mysql-db: database
mysql-table: aquamarine_tickets
Max tickets per radius - this setting will limit the ability to create tickets close to each other (inside a radius). For example, with the settings below, only 3 tickets can be opened simultaneously within a 5 block radius.
enable-max-per-radius: true
check-radius: 5.0
max-per-radius: 3
Max tickets per player - this setting will limit the player's ability to create tickets while old ones have not been resolved.
enable-max-per-player: true
max-per-player: 3
Message prefix - used in the beginning of every system message sent by this plugin
message-prefix: "&8[&bAquamarine&8] &7"
Date format - used when displaying dates and times in the GUI and the chat view of tickets. Uses SimpleDateFormat.
date-format: "dd.MM.yyyy kk:mm:ss" # (SimpleDateFormat)
Join announcement - when a player with admin/moderator permissions joins, they will be notified about unresolved tickets. Set the delay of the announcement in seconds.
enable-join-announce: true
join-announce-delay-seconds: 5
Discord webhook - enable this and add a webhook URL to receive announcements about new tickets to your Discord server.
enable-webhook: false
In English?
The plugin's built-in language file is written in Finnish.
Copy and paste the following to the lang.yml
file to use the plugin in English:
# Language file for XAquamarine
generic-no-permission: "You don't have the permission to do that."
generic-not-player: "This command only works for players."
generic-invalid-number: "Invalid number: &b$n$"
generic-ticket-not-found: "The ticket was not found."
generic-invalid-ticket: "Invalid ticket or ticket world. Are all worlds loaded?"
generic-invalid-player: "No such player '$player$'. Are you sure that they have played here with that name?"
generic-no-tickets: "No tickets were found."
generic-previous: "Previous"
generic-next: "Next"
generic-page: "Page "
gui-click-teleport: "Left-click to teleport"
gui-click-solve: "Right-click to resolve"
command-ticket-usage: "Usage: &b/$label$ [message]"
command-ticket-goto-usage: "Usage: &b/$label$ goto [id]"
command-ticket-goto-teleport: "Woosh! And here we are."
command-ticket-solve-usage: "Usage: &b/$label$ solve [id] [optional message]"
command-ticket-solved: "&b$solver$ &7resolved the ticket &b#$n$&7: &f&o$comment$"
command-ticket-view-usage: "Usage: &b/$label$ view [id]"
command-ticket-player-usage: "Usage: &b/$label$ player [player] [page]"
ticket-deny-nearby: "You may not open a new ticket here, as several tickets have already been opened nearby."
ticket-deny-player: "You may not open a new ticket, as you already have several unresolved tickets waiting."
ticket-created: "You opened a new ticket. Number: &b$ticketId$"
ticket-created-announcement: "&b$player$ &7opened a new ticket &b#$ticketId$&7:"
ticket-join-announcement: "There are &b$ticketCount$ unsolved tickets waiting"
ticket-preview-teleport: "Teleport"
ticket-preview-solve: "Mark as resolved"
ticket-hover-title: "&bTicket #$ticketId$"
ticket-hover-sender: "&7Sent by: &f%s"
ticket-hover-timestamp: "&7Timestamp: &f%s"
ticket-hover-location: "&7Location: &f%s"
ticket-hover-solver: "&7Solved by: &f%s"
ticket-hover-solved-at: "&7Solved: &f%s"
ticket-hover-comment: "&7Comment:"